Monday, May 4, 2015

Romney hits Hillary over her politicizing Baltimore riots

"Mitt Romney accused Hillary Clinton of politicizing the unrest in Baltimore to curry favor with African-American voters.
I was concerned that her comments really smacked of politicization of the terrible tragedies that are going on there,” Romney said during an interview that aired Monday on Fox News’ “Fox and
Romney referred to Clinton’s recent speech at Columbia University, when she said the racial bias in the justice system and law is linked to economic inequality.
Without the mass incarceration that we currently practice, millions fewer people would be living in poverty,” Clinton had said. 
Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, pushed back on that line.
We don’t have mass incarceration in America,” he said. “Are we not going to lock people up who commit crimes? Is that what she is suggesting?
I thought it was a very inappropriate thing for her to do, and I think it was political in nature for her to get more support in the African-American community, and I think it was a big mistake on her part and simply wrong,” he continued." TheHill

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