Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Huckabee In!!!

"Mike Huckabee made a strong play for social conservatives on Tuesday, launching his presidential bid by declaring that the United States has lost its moral path.
The former Arkansas governor, who finished second in the 2008 fight for the GOP presidential nomination, decried legalized abortion and gay marriage and accused federal courts of running amok.
We’ve lost our way morally,” Huckabee told a cheering hometown crowd during his speech in Hope, Ark.
We’ve witnessed the slaughter of over 55 million babies in the name of choice and we’re now
threatening the foundation of religious liberty by criminalizing Christianity and demanding we abandon Biblical principles in natural marriage,” the former Baptist minister said. The Supreme Court is not the supreme being, and they cannot overturn the laws of nature or of nature’s God,” he declared.
Huckabee won the Iowa caucuses in 2008 and is poised to be considered a strong contender again when the state it holds the first nominating contest in the nation in eight months.
And a poll by the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling suggested Huckabee could be within striking distance of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton in the swing state. It showed Clinton with 46 percent of the vote compared to 44 percent for Huckabee, a margin surpassed by no other GOP candidate and matched only by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.)." TheHill

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