Monday, April 13, 2015

The Right on Rubio: Con & Pro

Con View
"On Monday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “The Kelly File,” conservative commentator Ann Coulter,...touted the candidacies of Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), but downplayed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for his previous positions on immigration reform and suggested his candidacy was to better position himself as a vice presidential candidate.
Partial transcript as follows:
KELLY: Whose position — I know that immigration is obviously a huge issue for you. Whose position could you get behind? Which of these Republican candidates so far do you like?
COULTER: I guess Walker and Cruz. Cruz, again, is only a senator but as a senator he didn’t spend his full three years pushing Chuck Schumer’s
amnesty bill. And now people who say that Rubio gives a good speech will say, ‘Well, yes, but he’s against it now.’ Well OK, but that’s the only thing he’s ever done.
KELLY: But do you not — if he can win, do you prefer him to Hillary Clinton? Because he’s now reversed himself on immigration reform. He’s now more in line with the, you know, other Republicans who say, got to secure the border first even though that wasn’t his position before. So, I mean, I have to imagine somebody like you would prefer Marco Rubio to Hillary Clinton. Could you ever get behind him?
COULTER: Well, I think the only person I would not prefer to Hillary Clinton is Barack Obama. So that’s out of the way. Yeah, I suppose so. I don’t think I’m going to be knocking myself out."

 Pro View
"Talk radio host and author ....Mark Levin said that Marco Rubio is “very engaging” and one of the candidates who is
going to challenge the Republican establishmenton Monday.
He’s [Rubio] very engaging, he comes across as a very decent guy. ...I think the establishment is very, very concerned about a lot of these young men, and woman who are coming up, and I think it’s great. I think our farm team is strongLevin stated." Breitbart

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