Friday, October 7, 2016

ISIS to send wannabe ‘serial killers’ to the West in bloody new terror tactic

   "They want their followers to buy a knife, slaughters innocents, then dispose of the knife and start
over again.
In an article in the terror group’s Rumiyah magazine they even give advice on what types of knives to use – suggesting striking in secluded places after dark to avoid detection, reports the Daily Express.
They urge would-be jihadis to overcome their squeamishness by using knives instead of guns – because it is easier to carry out large numbers of murders without getting caught.
ISIS chiefs believe random serial killer-style stabbings are almost impossible for security services to detect compared to shootings and bombings, which require coordination and specialist equipment.
Commanders suggest a “campaign of knife attacks” in which lone-wolf jihadis “could dispose of his weapon after each use, finding no difficulty in acquiring another one”.
They wrote: “Many people are often squeamish of the thought of plunging a sharp object into another person’s flesh.
“It is a discomfort caused by the untamed, inherent dislike for pain and death, especially after ‘modernisation’ distanced males from partaking in the slaughtering of livestock for food and the striking of the enemy in war."
A footnote in the article also betrays ISIS’ sensitivity about how their actions are reported in the West, insisting that supporters should not use the term “lone wolf” to describe radicalised Westerners.
Instead they order extremists to refer to such attacks as "just terror operations" - with just in this instance referring to the sense of justice the twisted barbarians see in them." Sun

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