Saturday, October 15, 2016

"Get it out" - Trump Knocks over his teleprompter

"Trump knocked one teleprompter over and later dismantled the other after they apparently broke at
a rally tonight in Charlotte, North Carolina.
"By the way, these teleprompters haven’t been working for the last 20 minutes and I actually like my speech better without teleprompters. And this way what I like about it -- " he told the crowd, breaking off as he knocked over the first teleprompter. "You know what, I like it better without the teleprompters. And I notice every time I look up, they're trying, it's trying, it's straining, it's straining.
"Hey get this thing out of here will you?" he continued. "Get it out. I like it much better without the teleprompter."
He later approached the other and began to take it apart.
Trump told the audience he wouldn’t pay the company for providing the machines." ABC

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