Sunday, August 14, 2016

Milwaukee Erupts in racial strife

"Violence and protests erupted in Milwaukee overnight after a man was fatally shot by police during
a foot chase.
Police said the victim, 23, was armed with a handgun and shot dead by an officer after fleeing a traffic stop on Milwaukee's north side Saturday afternoon.
Hours later angry crowds took to the streets, smashing a police car and setting fire to another. One officer was injured by a flying brick; a gas station and auto-parts store were set alight. Police said gunshots were heard......
Police said the man shot had a "lengthy arrest record" and was carrying a semiautomatic handgun reported stolen in a burglary in Waukesha in March.
WTMJ said it pulled its reporters from the scene due to threats of physical violence from some in the crowd. The Journal-Sentinel reported that one of its journalists was thrown to the ground and punched." NBC

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