Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Father of Orlando shooter attends Clinton rally, touts candidate

"Monday evening, the father of ISIS-inspired Orlando nightclub gunman Omar Mateen showed up
just steps away from the Democratic nominee, cheering her on and waving an American flag in the background – even as she paid tribute to the victims of his son’s terror rampage and condemned his “hatred.”
Seddique Mateen’s presence was first noticed by WPTV in Florida. The affiliate later interviewed Mateen, who held up a large, yellow pro-Clinton banner calling her “good for national security” and “gun control laws.”
Mateen’s presence right behind the candidate in full view of the cameras seemed to clash with her message, as she thanked local leaders and officers who responded to the June shooting at Pulse Nightclub, which left 49 people dead. It was the worst terror attack on American soil since 9/11.
Adding to the bizarre appearance is the father’s own background, as someone who has voiced support for the Taliban and at one point declared himself the leader of a “transitional” Afghanistan government." FOX

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