Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Trump's surprise endorsement

"Monday evening, he picked up a single endorsement that flies in the face of all three criticisms. Dr. Day Gardner, an African-American woman and president of the National Black Pro-Life Union, issued the following statement:
I have been involved in the pro-life movement for more than 15 years. This is the very first time I have ever felt moved to endorse a presidential candidate.
I, like all of America have been watching with amazement this spectacle unfold.
I was amazed and for a while baffled at the way in which the GOP and establishment conservatives started bashing and trashing Donald J. Trump, a man who has been leading in the polls from the very beginning and has millions and millions of staunch supporters. Why would they do that? The answer came back to me that it was fear of the unknown and of the untried.
The GOP elite and establishment conservatives also fear that with President Trump they won't be able to cast their lines into ponds of their choosing—they also fear that they can't reel that line in whenever they want to. The thing is, with TRUMP, they don't even have a pole! We the people are the pole and the line is attached from him directly to us. What a concept." Charisma

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