Friday, April 29, 2016

Sanders Pounds Indiana Colleges

"D'Alessendro pointed to the significant crowds Sanders attracted in the state a day after the Tuesday East Coast primaries.
"We haven't seen a hit in the grassroots enthusiasm, but that is unique to this campaign," he said. "Every other campaign in the history of the world would have seen one."
There has been no reportable statewide polling in Indiana yet, so it is difficult to grasp the spread in the Democratic race there.
Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., called on Indiana Wednesday to turn out to vote.
"We win in states with higher voter turnout; we lose in states with lower voter turnout," he told a campaign rally at Purdue that morning. "When you go to vote, take your aunties, your uncles, your friends and make this the largest voter turnout in Indiana history. Let Indiana join the ranks of so many other states saying we need a political revolution!"
Sanders has another event scheduled at IU Auditorium in Bloomington, 1211 E. Seventh St. Doors open at 5 p.m." ABC

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