Monday, February 15, 2016

Hillary tied to Trump on Immigration in Nevada ad

"RENO, Nev. -- It's a small buy, just $42,000 of online video, but a spot launched this weekend from
the conservative American Crossroads demonstrated how conservatives are trying to widen the divisions of the Democratic primary.
"Hillary's Wall," aimed at Spanish-speaking voters in Nevada, uses well-known but infrequently-replayed clips of a Bush-era Hillary Clinton saying she opposed "illegal immigration" -- a phrase no Democrat now utters -- and voted for a border fence. That slams right into footage of Donald Trump,...
It's the latest example of conservative messaging aimed at the Democratic base, exploiting the growing liberal sentiment that Clinton cannot be trusted and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) can.
"It wasn’t that long ago that Hillary Clinton sounded just like Donald Trump on the subject of illegal immigrants,” said Ian Prior, American Crossroads's spokesman,.." WP

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