Thursday, September 3, 2015

Cruz & Paul on Kentucky Clerk

"The Kentucky clerk who has been jailed for refusing to issue licenses to same-sex couples is getting
full  support from several Republican presidential candidates.
Sens. Rand Paul (Ky.) and Ted Cruz (Texas) blasted a judge's decision Thursday to hold Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis in contempt of court. 
"I think it's absurd to put someone in jail for exercising their religious liberty," Paul said on CNN's "Wolf," citing his home state clerk's "heartfelt conviction."
Cruz, a vocal opponent of the Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage this summer, also rebuked the judge.
"Today, judicial lawlessness crossed into judicial tyranny."
"Today, for the first time ever, the government arrested a Christian woman for living according to her faith. This is wrong. This is not America," Cruz said in a lengthy statement." msn

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