Monday, July 6, 2015

America coming apart at the seams

"Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably seen that America is being torn apart. Fundamental principles and common sense are being destroyed. Up is down, down is up, and two plus two suddenly equals five. People are losing their jobs because they stand up for religious principles. Politicians espouse whatever stance on is popular at the moment. Gun rights and freedom of speech are attacked at every opportunity. When will it stop?
Freedom of religion, religious institutions in some cases have been forced against their doctrine to provide birth control, contraception, and even abortion. Have you heard the latest on Steve Green’s place? Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby may have to close. Because the government is going after them again. And they just came out and said, we may not be able to stay open this time. Hobby Lobby! So don’t tell me we have freedom of religion. People are being forced to provide services for ceremonies in which they conscientiously object. It’s called a conscientious objector. We’ve always had that, that carve-out in the Constitution. If your God tells you I can’t do that, you don’t do it, and no one can force you to do it. 
But now, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, two ministers who operate church threatened with arrest for not performing a gay wedding ceremony. Arrest, jail time!" GlennBeck

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