Monday, May 4, 2015

Fiorina In!!!

"Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard chief executive, became the second woman to enter the 2016 presidential race, joining a Republican field that could include more than a dozen contenders for the White House.
Speaking on ABC television, Ms Fiorina said she was running for president because she was “the best person for the job because I understand how the economy actually works”.
Speaking to reporters on Monday, Ms Fiorina said her foreign policy priorities would include taking a tougher stance on Russia, China and Iran. On Russia, she said the US should rebuild the navy’s Sixth Fleet — which operates in waters around Europe — and should provide arms to Ukraine.
Ms Fiorina said China was an “increasing concern” due to its refusal to live up to World Trade Organization commitments on issues such as intellectual property, and its behavior in the South China Sea.
They are . . . extremely assertive in their territory, particularly from a maritime point of view, as well as in the air. That is grave concern,” said Ms Fiorina. “We need to be working with our allies in that region to bolster them as a way of sending a clear message to China that their assertiveness will not go unchecked.”" FinancialTimes

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