Friday, October 7, 2016

Skewes of American Party of South Carolina Interviewed

"Peter B. Gemma: Thanks very much for talking the time for this interview. What is your political background – have you been involved in politics and campaigning before?
Peter Skewes: Never – the only political connection was voting!
Gemma: On its website, the American Party says believes in “governing from the center.” Let’s run through some hot button issues and see what that means. First, how do you view the illegal
immigration issue?
Skewes: It is only an issue because the federal government has not followed the existing law – “No employer shall employ people who are not U.S. citizens.” My solution to the 13 million undocumented workers is to hold the employer responsible. First, increase the fines substantially – currently it is $375 per worker – and second gives the employer a choice, either pay the fine or help the worker achieve citizenship within one year.
Gemma: What about trade issues – what is your position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, NAFTA, and other free trade pacts? The American Party platform promises to, “increase US exports and decrease US imports.” How would you get that done?
Skewes: There are some good points to the agreements like greater potential for exports, holding other countries to environmental, worker safety, and patent standards. There are also some concerns like loss of jobs to other countries. A well-designed international trade agreement could be great for the U.S. I am not confident that NAFTA of TPP is well written.
Gemma: You’ve stated that you would, “transition the Department of Defense from a tactical approach to a strategic approach.” What does that mean?
Skewes: Historically, we fought conventional wars on the battlefield. Today, we face a very different threat, one that is not about how many tanks or ground forces that can be committed, but who is smarter. The challenge today is how do we achieve superiority intellectually rather than by physical force. With all the U.S. resources, we should have the smartest, rather than the strongest defense system in the World.
Gemma: You have also said that, “Most social issues are important but they’re not going to make or break our country.” What is your stand on abortion and same-sex marriage?
Skewes: The media and the political candidates strive to focus on divisive issues to generate conflict. There is no reason for media coverage if conflict is not present. The importance of issues like LGBT, abortion, gun ownership, and immigration are very small in our country. Regardless of the U.S position on any of these issues, our country will neither prosper nor fail." IPR

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