Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Trump Tirade in New Hampshire against Cruz

"Trump, during a campaign speech, repeatedly attacked his top Republican presidential rival on a
host of issues, including the mogul’s favorite attack line: Cruz’s birth in Canada.
What kind of people do we have running for office?” Trump said after bashing Cruz’s honesty for a while in Milford, New Hampshire.
No, it’s honestly really, really dishonest. And I think I know why. You know why? Because he was born in Canada!” he said.
Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother, and most legal experts believe he meets the Constitution’s requirement that presidents be “natural born” citizens. But Trump frequently warns that if Cruz becomes the GOP nominee, Democrats would sue and potentially disqualify him from the presidency.
He gets the nomination, they’re going to sue his a– off,” Trump said Tuesday." yahoo

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