Thursday, September 1, 2016

Trump Thunders into Phoenix

"PHOENIX— Donald Trump reiterated his hardline proposals for tackling illegal immigration,
insisting there would be “no amnesty” for those who come into the country illegally and proposing restrictions to limit legal immigration as well.
In a highly anticipated policy speech delivered before several thousand supporters packed into a convention hall here, the Republican presidential nominee bucked predictions that he might move to the middle on a divisive issue, reviving an aggressive approach to a policy issue that has driven his unlikely bid for the presidency.
Lamenting a “broken system” that has put America’s safety at risk, Trump doubled down on controversial proposals he’s stated before, including his pledge to institute a values test for those seeking entry into the country—to determine whether they truly “love” America and are willing to assimilate. He also vowed to crack down on those who overstay their visas and aggressively deport illegal immigrants who have been arrested for crimes—even before they are convicted." yahoo

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