Friday, September 2, 2016

Trump on Weiner-gate

"Anthony Weiner .... Does this guy not know, does he have not the slightest idea how the internet works?  After having been caught once, does he have no idea how nothing on the internet is private? 
If you listen to the Drive-By Media, the biggest scandal about the Huma Weiner and the Carlos Danger contretemps is that Trump is using it to question Hillary's judgment.  Yeah, they're trying to build a wall around Huma Weiner.  "It's just unconscionable how Donald Trump would seek to exploit the pain and suffering of a couple in their private moments."  Private moments?  Private moments?  We have a woman who is advising Hillary -- by the way, folks, you should know something.  I have it on the highest authority that there are people within the Hillary camp starting to get worried about Huma in terms of the advice that she's giving Hillary
Trump tweeted yesterday was, "Huma Abedin, the top aide to Hillary Clinton and the wife of perv sleazebag Anthony Weiner, was a major security risk as a collector of information."  And the Drive-Bys are having a fit.  Never mind every word that Trump said is true.  And they're worried, they're angry, how dare Trump do that, how dare Trump say that. Just like Trump's tweet about the murder rate in Chicago over the weekend." RUSH

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