Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Trump gets real about Economy

"Trump urged his followers to sell stocks, warning of "very scary scenarios" for investors, and accused the Fed of setting the stage for the next market crash when he said that “interest rates are artificially low” during a phone interview with Fox Business. "The only reason the stock market is where it is is because you get free money."
Earlier today, speaking to a reporter traveling on his plane who asked Trump about a potential rate hike by the Fed in September, Trump took his vendetta to the next level, saying that the Fed is "keeping the rates artificially low so the economy doesn't go down so that Obama can say that he did a good job. They're keeping the rates artificially low so that Obama can go out and play golf in January and say that he did a good job. It's a very false economy. We have a bad economy, everybody understands that but it's a false economy. The only reason the rates are low is so that he can leave office and he can say, 'See I told you.'" ZeroHedge

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