Saturday, September 3, 2016

SEP White Interviewd... Explains the SEP

"Jerry White from the Socialist Equality Party.
What Makes the SEP (Socialist Equality Party) ticket different from the rest and why does that make you better than the others? 
The Socialist Equality Party campaign seeks to reach workers and youth who are looking for an alternative to big business politics, represented by the Democrats and Republicans. Our party opposes Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and is building an independent political party of the working class.
Our party works to unify all workers in the United States and worldwide, and prepare the working class for the coming struggles against social inequality and war.
The SEP election program centers on these demands:
1. Oppose US militarism! Stop the drive to World War III!
2. Put an end to poverty and social inequality!
3. Defend democratic rights! No to government spying and police violence!

We answer the question on the minds of many workers and youth: What is socialism? My campaign is
against capitalism and for socialism, where the working class will govern and control the industries and banks, while seizing the wealth created by workers but owned by the super-rich. That’s the only way to get the resources for education, affordable housing, and other necessities like health care and clean drinking water.

Other “socialist” parties—what we call the pseudo-left—supported Sanders, and through him the Democratic Party. Now most are supporting the Greens, a pro-capitalist party. In these maneuvers, they seek to block workers and youth from drawing revolutionary conclusions from the crisis of world capitalism. They also divide the working class along the lines of race, gender and sexual orientation, advocating identity politics and denying that the cause of discrimination is capitalism and the fundamental division in society is class.
The SEP, part of the world Trotskyist movement, supports the unity of the international working class to overthrow capitalism and establish socialism. We trace our roots back to the battle between Trotskyists, classical Marxists who advanced an international program, and Stalinists in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution. Stalinism claimed you could build socialism in one country. It represented the interests of the bureaucracy that defended its own privileges, repressed opposition and collaborated with imperialism." A3PR

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