Thursday, September 8, 2016

Johnson's Aleppo Gaffe

"Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson has doggedly sought the spotlight in his long-shot presidential bid, but on Thursday he got an unwelcome jolt of notoriety when he blanked on the name of Aleppo, a city at the heart of the protracted and bloody war in Syria.

The gaffe, which was instantly and widely mocked, threatened to taint Johnson's still-unformed reputation among most voters and undermine his effort to establish himself as a viable option to the two major parties' historically unpopular nominees.

Such was the case Thursday morning, when Johnson was asked on MSNBC what, as president, he would do about Aleppo.
The city has borne some of the harshest brunt of Syria's 5-year-old civil war, including recent attacks believed to involve chlorine gas that affected dozens of residents.

Johnson clearly appeared at a loss by the query.
"What is Aleppo?" Johnson asked, prompting his interviewer to ask if he was kidding." msn

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