Thursday, September 1, 2016

Hillary sent classified emails AFTER she was Secretary of State too

"...at least one email has been found from Hillary’s private email server showing that she emailed classified information out to State Department personnel, diplomats, and Huma Abedin (for some reason) MONTHS after she left the State Department. The email was so heavily redacted that it’s barely even worth quoting –Obviously, she was still using her own email server after she was no longer Secretary of State, which is precisely why the private server was a problem in the first place. State had no control over what Hillary kept after she shouldn’t have had access to such sensitive information, they didn’t know what she was planning to do with it, and – with the Clinton Foundation’s pay-for-play scheme – heaven knows how she was planning on profiting off of what she had. Because it’s too much to hope that she’d, you know, actually take care of it in a responsible way." COTR

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