Thursday, September 15, 2016

2 Michigan POLLS: Trump closes gap

"Clinton, still leads Trump 38%-35% in Michigan, according to the poll done by Lansing-based EPIC-MRA for the Free Press, WXYZ-TV  (Channel 7) and their outstate partners. But that is within the poll’s 4-percentage-point margin of error, and a significant drop from her 11-point lead last month.

The topline numbers showed her leading Trump, 38%-35%, with Libertarian Gary Johnson (10%) and Green Party candidate Jill Stein (4%) trailing. Thirteen percent remained undecided. In a two-way match-up, Clinton had a slightly larger edge, beating Trump 42%-38%.
And what had been a 24-point lead among voters 18-34 has dropped to 7 points, 31%-24%, with Johnson picking up support to match Trump’s (24%).
Trump's improvement in the polls in the industrial Midwest is important to his campaign: All along, strategists have suggested he needs to tap into disaffected white workers in the region and take states across the Rust Belt to have a chance. On Wednesday, his arguments against free-trade agreements appeared to be bolstered as Ford announced it would move all of its small-car production to Mexico, though that does not appear to mean job losses in Michigan.
Ford's Mexican operations have been a target of Trump's since he announced his run for the nomination last summer." DetroitFreePress

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