Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Bush Launches Attack on Trump

"Jeb Bush continued to take jabs at GOP front runner Donald Trump today, dealing Trump some of his own social media medicine, by trotting out a video that features past statements where the real estate mogul voices his support for abortion, higher taxes, the Obama stimulus law, Hillary Clinton and more.
Hillary Clinton, I think is a terrific women,” Trump says in an interview clip that the Bush team assembled to argue that Trump holds a number of views that are not in sync with Republican voters.

My views are a little bit different than if I lived in Iowa,” Trump says frankly at one point on an old edition of NBC’s Meet the Press.
I’m very pro-choice,” Trump says to the late Tim Russert in that interview.
 The video came on the heels of a photo released yesterday by Bush, of something sent by Trump to then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, congratulating her on becoming the first woman Speaker.
Nancy, you are the greatest,” Trump has written across a copy of the New York Times which features a front page photo of Pelosi celebrating her ascension to the post of Speaker in January of 2007." JamieDupree

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