Friday, October 21, 2016

What do Americans REALLY think about Hillary?

"Do they believe what the National Enquirer put at the top of its
website, namely that Hillary had her "bagman" arrange lesbian trysts? Do they believe she called Muslims "sand N---ers"? Do they believe that the Clintons are responsible for 46 unsolved homicides? Or do they just believe that Bill and Hillary made $250 million by peddling influence, used a private email server to hide their self-dealing at the State Department, and lied until their faces turned blue when caught?
There's no way to tell what people think. It's impossible for most Americans to form a judgment with which they feel comfortable, because they do not have sources of information they can trust. Fox News is in a civil war between the pro- and anti-Trump Republicans. The other networks are with Hillary. The major media outlets have lost credibility. Only 32% of Americans said they had "a great deal" or "a fair amount" of confidence in the news media in a September Gallup poll survey." PJMedia

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