Thursday, August 18, 2016

Transhumanist Party Istvan Interview

"One of the most important things about space exploration is not just that it’s super cool. It’s a possible solution to existential planetary threat, either through a massive nuclear war, a super virus killing billions, or asteroids destroying Earth. We need to have a way to get many humans off Planet Earth incase something goes wrong. So While I love space travel for adventure, it’s a core policy of mine to dramatically aim to increase funding for space exploration for the literal survival off the human race. I would enlarge the NASA budget by at least 5 times.
Universal Basic Income
 I will create a Universal Basic Income, funded from the companies that made the machinery and software to replace the jobs and by tapping into the huge unused natural resources off America.
 A Transhumanist Olympics is a sporting game event that looks more like Formula 1 racing for human beings—where humans are like the cars and scientists and engineers are just as important as the athletes. It’s a sporting event that allows all drugs, and augmentation, and all technology to accomplish various sporting events.
The short term Transhumanist foreign policy is to use tech and science to make America a safer, more successful country. Core military goals of mine is to no longer use human troops whatsoever and to make sure America is first to reach AI." A3PR

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