Sunday, June 12, 2016

"Christian" mystic Sid Roth on Trump support

"Jesus is my Lord, so I cannot vote for the Democrat nominee for president because of their platform. I cannot vote for a platform that is pro-homosexuality and pro-abortion. But I must vote. If I do not vote, I cannot complain.
I recently met with Donald Trump. My impression of him was very different from what I saw on television. I saw a heart that God could mold. 
Here are some practical reasons I like him. He is the only candidate who:
  • has said he would move the United States Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
  • has said he will defend Christians against persecution and murder by Muslims.
  • understands business and can change the course of our shipwrecked economy.
  • will restore our decimated military.
  • will stop illegal immigration.
  • will change our broken medical insurance program.
I do not believe it is Trump's idea to make America great again, but God's! I am not blind. I too cringe at some of his statements. But I see the man through the eyes of faith." Charisma

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