Monday, January 11, 2016

Will Someone Else Jump in Democrat Race

"Morris said, “Hillary has fallen apart among female voters over the last three weeks. Among all voters she used to be beating Trump by ten points—now she is losing to him by three. Cruz used to be beating her by two points now he’s beating her by nine. Rubio used to be beating her by three now he’s beating her by ten. And the entire change has been among woman voters, no men voters. Hillary has dropped an average of 13 points  among women in the last three weeks. I believe that is largely due to Bill Clinton and to all the publicity and exposé of his sexual activity and of her efforts to cover them up and to enable them.”
He continued, “Now all of this is interrelated. If beats her in Iowa and New Hampshire, which I think he will, that will show that she is in very tough shape politically, and with these polls out with the results in there might be a lot of pressure for someone else to get in the race, like Biden.”

He added, “And if there is a chance that she could be indicted and the indictment could knock her out of the race and free her delegates that are already on the ballot to commit to Biden and run as Biden delegates you could still see that happen over the course of the next four to six weeks.” Breitbart

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