Sunday, January 17, 2016

Rick Warren joins Rubio Religious Advisory Board

"With the Iowa caucuses less than a month away, the competition for the evangelical vote seems to have become a two-man race between Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Last week, Rubio made another move to win that race-within-the-race, announcing the formation of a 15-member religious liberty advisory board that will advise the campaign on issues including the persecution of Christians in the Middle East and the freedoms of Americans who oppose same-sex marriage.
The 15-member board includes megachurch pastor Rick Warren, some prominent lawyers, a few college presidents, a respected historian, a rabbi, the head of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, and so on. But there’s one name on Rubio’s list that stood out to me: Wayne Grudem, an architect of the movement to “defend” evangelical Christianity from feminism." Patheos

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