Thursday, January 14, 2016

Latest Trump - Cruz- Rubio Poll

"Yet in a hypothetical one-on-one race between the two Republicans, Cruz tops Trump, 51 percent
to 43 percent, while Trump beats Rubio in their one-on-one matchup, 52 percent to 45 percent.
In a three-way contest featuring the Top 3 Republicans in the poll, Trump gets 40 percent, Cruz 31 percent and Rubio 26 percent, underscoring the overall strengthen out of the outsider/insurgent wing of the Republican Party.
Maybe the most striking finding in this NBC/WSJ poll is the growing GOP acceptance of Trump. Back in March, only 23 percent of Republican primary voters said they could see themselves supporting the real-estate mogul. Now that number stands at 65 percent.
The Republican candidates with the highest percentages on this question are Cruz (at 71 percent, up from 40 percent in March) and Rubio (at 67 percent, up from 56 percent 10 months ago)." NBC

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