Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Last Obama State of the Union speech targets Trump

"What he did do is give a political campaign speech. It was disjointed, irrelevant and disappointing. He is not running for a third term and the agenda he laid out is not what the country wants or feels. He looked tired and ready to move on.
On the very day the president is delivered his speech, the Iranian Navy captured two US Navy ships that allegedly were incapacitated and drifted into Iranian waters. Now Iran is holding these sailors hostage. Yet, there was no mention of this incident in the president’s speech.
 Bad behavior by Iran is dismissed because President Obama wants to protect his sacred and risky deal." FOX

"President Obama delivered a forceful State of the Union address Tuesday night in which he defended his record, set the stage for a Democratic successor to carry on his work, and – above all – warned Americans to steer clear of Donald Trump’s bullying nativism." msnbc

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