Wednesday, January 13, 2016

G.O.P. Establishment prefers Trump to Cruz?

"Donald Trump, who has been portrayed as perhaps the most antiestablishment candidate of all
time, seems to have suddenly gained the support of the GOP establishment. Guests of Sunday’s episode of Meet the Press with Chuck Todd discussed Trump’s favorability ratings among Republicans as compared to Ted Cruz. Trump could end up being the establishment alternative to Cruz,” said political consultant Alex Castellanos. He went on to explain how establishment Republicans are turning to Trump because they’re afraid of Cruz. “They’re beginning to get comfortable with the idea that Trump, ‘Okay, he’s a deal maker, he’s a salesman, he’ll adapt, he’ll make the next deal, he could run left of Hillary, whatever.’ But Cruz is kind of bound to who he is,” Castenallos said. Glenn reacted on radio Monday. “Wait a minute. The establishment is starting to go with Donald Trump, who could, quote, ‘run to the left of Hillary or whatever,'” Glenn said. “It’s astounding. Just astounding what’s happening.”

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