Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Libertarian Party Poll

"....the Palm Beach Free Press conducted an online poll of mostly Libertarian and independent voters to see where they stood on the 2016 presidential election. The conclusion was that the most likely of voters either do not know the officially announced Libertarian Party presidential candidates well enough or would prefer to vote "None of the Above" (NOTA) than for the candidates currently in the running.

However, when two-term Governor of New Mexico and 2012 Libertarian Party (LP) presidential nominee, Gary Johnson, is added to the mix, he would be the clear favorite to win the LP presidential nomination. This poll notes the failure of the mainstream media as well as the Libertarian Party itself for not educating voters as to who the officially announced candidates are.

The respondents were nationwide, .... The political makeup of the respondents were 63 percent registered Libertarian voters, 21 percent registered to vote without a political party, 14 percent registered Republicans, and the remaining 2 percent responded with "Other" and virtually no registered Democrats chose to take the poll.

Of the officially announced candidates, Dr. Marc Feldman fared the best of the six candidates listed in the poll. 

 Although NOTA won with 19.2 percent of the vote total, Feldman received 18.6 percent of the vote, Kerbel with 16.4 percent, Darryl Perry with 15 percent, Cecil Ince with 13 percent, Reid with 9.1 percent and Waymire with 8.7 percent.

When asked if Gary Johnson was added to the list of candidates, over 71 percent of respondents said Johnson would be in top three.

The Libertarian Party will conduct its 2016 national convention in Orlando, Florida where delegates from across the nation will decide who their nominee is to represent them on the presidential ballot. The convention will be in May 2016, held at the Rosen Centre Hotel and Resort.

Lastly, the poll asked the question of respondents that if the presidential election was held today (August 30, 2015), for whom would they vote. Of the three candidates listed, Gary Johnson received 69 percent of the vote total, Republican Rand Paul received 13 percent and Democrat Bernie Sanders received 2 percent. 16 percent of the respondents offered their own scenario with suggestions like Donald Trump, R. Lee Wrights, NOTA, Ted Cruz and a few would vote their own name for President of the United States." IPR

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